
Why should you move your eyes around?


Radak: All your children will come from all corners. Malbim - do not look only in one direction. They will come suddenly, from all four directions of Shamayim.


Why does it say "Kulam Nikbetzu Va'u Lach"?


Malbim: There will be two wonders. (a) They will gather from being greatly scattered. (b) They will return to Yerushalayim from such a great distance - "Va'u Lach."


Why does it say "Chai Ani"?


Radak: This is the promise that you will not regress, like Bi Nishbati.


What will be like ornaments and a Kalah's ribbons?


Radak: So your children will be to you, when all Yisrael gather to you.


Malbim: Do not worry how all your children will fit in your quarters. Settling of the destroyed place will be as if the land wears a garment; its residents will cover it - "Lavshu Charim ha'Tzon" (Tehilim 65:14). A desolate place is naked. After it is settled, honored people, officers and Chachamim came to dwell there. This is like ornaments on clothing. Kesharim are the ornaments that the Chasan gave to the Kalah for Kidushin. She will not lose them, for they are the bond between them. So you will tie [your children] to you tightly, lest they leave you again, for they are a sign of the Kidushin between you and Elokim; via them, he betrothed you with Emunah.

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