
What is the meaning of "Adam Bikar v'Lo Yavin"?


Rashi: The path of life is in front of him. If he will go on it, he will be honored. He does not understand what is good!


Radak: This man is Bikar - the Neshamah, which is called Kavod (like Yakar). He does not understand to take the path of the Nefesh; he takes the path of the body, like animals.


Malbim: A man who has Yakar (the eternal Nefesh, which is the true Kavod), and he does not understand and switches it for folly, he is compared to animals.


What is the meaning of "Nimshal ka'Behemos Nidmu"?


Radak: He takes the path of the body, like animals, therefore in his death, he will be like them. His Nefesh will perish; there is no hope for him at all.


Malbim: Refer to 49:21:1:3. The limbs of man's body is like animal life, and they are similar [also] in death.

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