
What is "mi'Kol Adam"?


Rashi: It is like the simple meaning (more than any other man).


Rashi citing Pesikta: It is more than Adam ha'Rishon. Radak - Adam was able to name all of the animals and birds.


Malbim: It is the great Chachamim and Chartumim of his time.


How was Shlomo's Chachmah greater?


Malbim citing Mahari: Shlomo's Chachmah was miraculous. He understood everything from the beginning to the end, suddenly. His knowledge was unlike others', which comes in stages, via the senses and exertion over time and many postulations, and he is prone to err, and he does not attain the roots of the matters and their true forms, and matters free of physicality.


Who are Eisan ha'Ezrachi, Heiman, Kalkol and Darda?


Rashi: They were brothers, the sons of Zerach ben Yehudah - "u'Vnei Zerach Zimri v'Eisan v'Heiman [v'Chalkol v'Darda]" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 2:6).


Rashi citing Pesikta: They are Avraham, Moshe, Yosef and Dor ha'Midbar. 1


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: Eisan ha'Ezrachi was a son of Zerach; the others were sons of Machol.


Radak citing Bamidbar Rabah 19:3: Eisan ha'Ezrachi is Avraham - "Mi He'ir mi'Mizrach" (Yeshayah 41:2); Heiman is Moshe - "b'Chol Beisi Ne'eman Hu" (Bamidbar 12:7); Kalkol is Yosef - "va'Ychalkel Yosef" (Bereishis 47:12); Darda is Dor ha'Midbar - a Dor (generation) with De'ah (they learned from Moshe constantly).


Who are Bnei Machol?


Rashi: They knew how to compose Mizmorim to which people dance, Shir that the Leviyim sang on the Duchan, Mizmorim arranged in Sefer Tehilim (88, 89) - "Maskil l'Eisan ha'Ezrachi, Maskil l'Heiman ha'Ezrachi, Kalkol and Darda.


Rashi citing Pesikta: (This refers to Darda, i.e. Dor ha'Midbar.) They received Mechilah (pardon) for Chet ha'Egel.


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: They are Heiman, Kalkol and Darda (but Eisan ha'Ezrachi was a son of Zerach).

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