
Why was Na'aman upset?


Rashi: He thought that the Navi would come to speak to him and see the malady, and wave his hand on the Tzara'as, and it would be cured.


Malbim: (a) The Navi commanded that I come to him. When I came, he did not come to out to see me; he sent a Shali'ach. He could have done so when I was in the king's house!


What is the meaning of "Amarti Elai Yetzei Yatzo"?


Malbim: (a) I thought that he called me to come to him, for he must come out to see the patient and direct his prayer in front of me, like "va'Ye'etar Yitzchak la'Shem l'Nochach Ishto" (Bereishis 25:21). (b) Refer to 5:12:2:3.


What is the meaning of "v'Henif Yado El ha'Makom"?


Rashi: [He will wave his hand] on the Tzara'as.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He will lift his hand on the place of the Tzara'as.


Malbim: He will wave his hand on the place of the Tzara'as for a Segulah, through the Navi's power.


What is the meaning of "v'Asaf ha'Metzora"?


Radak: [Will be cured] the flesh of the Metzora, i.e. the place of the Tzara'as.

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