
What is the significance of sending arrows of hunger?


Radak: They are Shidafon and Yerakon (parched by the east-wind, and dried and turned straw-yellow - Rashi Devarim 28:22) and locusts, which eradicate some or most of the grain.


Malbim: The nations should recognize that Yisrael's punishment is via Hashgachah, amidst Hashem's anger. (a) If the same evil (hunger) comes on Yisrael as on the nations, but more than severely. (b) Only hunger is sent on the nations, but additional evils are sent on Yisrael - beasts, Dever and the sword (17).


Why does it say "v'Ra'av Osef Aleichem"?


Rashi: This is hunger when people have no money. Radak - this is worse than when Peros are expensive and money is cheap (available, but worth little).


Radak: This is "v'Atzar Es ha'Shamayim? v'Lo Yihyeh Matar veha'Adamah Lo Siten Es Yevulah" (Devarim 11:17) - it will not yield any produce at all. They will not have what to eat. One who has money, it will be very hard to bring food from other lands, due to the enemy besieging them.


Malbim: Refer to 5:16:1:2.


What is breaking "Mateh Lechem"?


Refer to 4:16:1:1.


Malbim: It will be totally broken - this shows that Yisrael's punishment is via Hashgachah.

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