
What is the meaning of "[Lo Sosif Kum] Besulas Yisrael"?


Rashi: From when the 10 tribes will be exiled in the days of Hoshe'a ben Elah, the 10 tribes will not stand up a king in Yisrael.


Radak: It will not stand a long time. Melech Ashur exiled the 10 tribes. When Galus Bavel returned, they did not return. However, they will return in the future. Several Nevi'im prophesized that they will return. We find that "Lo Sosif" is not forever, even though it says "Od", e.g. "v'Lo Yasfu Od Gedudei Aram Lavo b'Eretz Yisrael" (Melachim II, 6:23). The next verse says "va'Yikbotz Ben Hadad? Es Kol Machanehu"! It says "v'Lo Hosif Melech Mitzrayim Latzeis me'Artzo" (ibid. 24:7), and it says "v'Cheil Pharaoh Yatza mi'Mitzrayim" (Yirmeyah 37:5)! She was called Besulas Yisrael until foreign masters had Bi'ah with (subjugated) her.


Malbim: When a person falls in a way that is not dangerous, he rises by himself. When he falls dangerously, and he cannot rise by himself, his relatives and friends rush to raise him. However, Besulas Yisrael fell dangerously, and cannot rise by herself. It is proper that her relatives and sons rush to raise her. However, she is on her land, and no one raises her.


What is "Niteshah Al Admasah"?


Rashi: Everything cast and scattered on the field is called Niteshah.


Radak: When she was still in her land, she was scattered in the land. She became weaker and weaker in her enemies' hand.


Malbim: Refer to 5:2:1:3.


What do we learn from "Ein Mekimah"?


Radak: Her kings and officers do not return her to repent to Hashem. Teshuvah would raise her!


Malbim: Refer to 5:2:1:3. The Nimshal is, in the early days, even if they fell, they invigorated themselves afterwards and raised themselves. And even when they could not rise by themselves, Hashem saw their poverty and raised them, like in the days of Yaravam ben Yo'ash. Now they have no strength themselves, and also Hashem abandoned them, and no one raises them.

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