
Rashi writes: "'[Kalu Ma'aseichem] Devar Yom b'Yomo' - [I.e.,] Each day's quota, [you must] finish on that day." What is bothering Rashi? How else could we have translated this phrase?


Gur Aryeh: Do not explain [the term "Kalu"] to mean, 'Halt your work of every day,' i.e. do not make bricks at all! Rather, "Kalu" means they must complete their quota daily.


Rashi writes: "... As you did, when the straw was prepared [for you]." How might we have mis-understood?


Gur Aryeh: I might have learned "ka'Asher bi'Heyos ha'Teven" literally, '... just as [you did] when the straw was present' - implying that now, they had no straw at all! Rashi tells us that they did manage to obtain straw, only that it was not ready and waiting for them as before.

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