
What did they want of Moshe when they said ?Yeire Hashem aleichem ve?Yishpot!??


They wanted Moshe to leave them alone and let serve the Egyptians. 1


See Rashi in 14:12.


What did the officers mean when they said, "Laseis Cherev b'Yadam l'Horgeinu"?


Oznayim la'Torah: They meant it literally, since the intensification of the already back-breaking work for the slaves and the additional beatings of the officers could well spell death.


Ramban (to 1:10): Bnei Yisrael knew only too well, that the Mitzrim had subjugated them cunningly, gradually, in a way that they would not realize what was happening (see 1:10:1:3*). They said to Moshe, this [demand to leave] will be the last straw! They will accuse us of treason to the crown, and begin to slay Yisrael publicly by the sword, without any more tricks.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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