
What is the meaning of "Yilkeduno"?


Rashi: This is like Yilkeduhu (they will trap him).


Malbim: Verse 21 taught that man's good ways are "Nochach Einei Hashem." Hashem helps him to purify himself and go in the good path. The Rasha's ways are not from Hashem, rather, his sins trap him. 'One who comes to purify himself, [Shamayim] helps him; one who comes to be Metamei himself, they open (give opportunity) for him' (Yuma 38b). Avon is crooked Sechel; Chet is a deed [of sin]. When a Rasha's desire entices and urges him to transgress, and he fears Hashem's punishments and the Torah's Mitzvos, he calls to Avon to help him. His Sechel will be crooked to contradict the Mitzvah and the One who commanded about it, His knowledge and Hashgachah, His reward and punishment... His Avon traps him to transgress! Refer to 5:22:2:2.


What is the meaning of "uv'Chavlei Chataso Yitamech"?


Rashi: He will hang. One who hangs is supported by the rope from which he hangs.


Malbim: When a Rasha calls to Avon to 'justify' sinning, he did not rely primarily on his Sechel. If not for the Chatas (desire to sin), he would not rely on the Avon! Rather, the ropes of Chet (desire) support him; he uses Avon to fulfill his desire. Via habit of sinning, he comes to heresy, and strengthens Avon and denial.

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