What is "Nichmaru"?
Rav Sadya Gaon: They were heated. Rashi - this is like "Ki Nichmaru Rachamav" (Bereishis 43:30). We find this often in the Gemara, e.g. Komer Shel Zeisim (Yevamos 97a - a Kli in which olives are placed, and get heated), Michmar Bisra (Pesachim 58a - heat of meat).
Ibn Ezra, Rid: They burn.
Ri Kara: It shrivels and wrinkles, as if it was burned in an oven fire. Anything that was stretched, and later constricted is called Komer, like Bushlei Kamra (Brachos 40b) - figs that are late to ripen. They put them in a Kli to ripen.
What are "Zal'afos Ra'av"?
Rav Sadya Gaon: It is Tzemarmores (shuddering or fever).
Rashi: This is [burning,] like "v'Ru'ach Zil'afos" (Tehilim 11:6).
Rid: It is panic and trembling, like "Zal'afah Achazasni" (Tehilim 119:53).
Is this connected to the previous verse?
Ibn Ezra: Yes. If we will not endanger ourselves to bring food, we will starve to death.