
What is the significance of "Nashim b'Tziyon Inu"?


Yevamos 16b: We do not accept converts from Tarmod, lest they descend from Benos Yerushalayim (who were raped).


Kidushin 71b: We cannot guarantee that our lineage is fine. Perhaps we descend from Bnos Tziyon who were raped!


Ibn Ezra: Not only did we starve. Slaves 1 raped our wives! Rape is called Inuy.


"Avadim Mashlu Vanu" (8) - they ruled also over our wives. It was a Chidush that this did not occur in Egypt, so Hashem put His name to testify about this (Rashi Bamidbar 26:5). (PF)


Did they rape only [married] women in Tziyon, and only Besulos in Arei Yehudah?


Ri Kara: They raped both in both places.

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