
Who gave a hand to whom, and why?


Rashi: Normally, if one fell and wants to stand, he stretches out his hand to someone nearby to help him. Also here, we stretched our hand 1 to Egypt to help us, and to Ashur to satiate us with bread.


Ibn Ezra: Giving a hand is a Shevu'ah, This is like a handshake. We swore to Egypt and Ashur - perhaps [Magihah in Toras Chayim - they will supply food, and] we will be satiated.


Rid: Egypt put a hand on us to plunder us. There is no reason for the Dagesh in the Nun 2 , just like "Hashem Mikedash" (Shemos 15:17; there is no reason for the Dagesh in the Kuf).


Ri Kara: Nasanu is like Nasanenu (refer to 5:6:1:1*). We gave our hand to Egypt to obey them and be submissive to them; we fled there for help. It says "if You will return to this land, I will build you


Rashi: Nasanu is like Nasanenu. The Dagesh in the Nun is in place of a second Nun. The same applies to "Ki Mimecha ha'Kol umi'Yadecha Nasanu Lach" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 29:14) and "v'Nasanu Es Benoseinu Lachem" (Bereishis 34:16).


Unlike Rashi; refer to 5:6:1:1*.


The latter verse was part of Yirmeyah's Nevu'ah - if you will say 'no; rather,

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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