
What does the Torah mean when it writes "Lo es Avoseinu Karas Hashem es ha'Beris ha'Zos ... "?


Rashi: With reference to the covenant that Hashem made with us at Har Sinai, it means 'Not only with our fathers 1 did Hashem enter into this covenant, but also with us'. 2


See also Or ha'Chayim.


Since Hashem knew that the earlier generation would die in the desert - especially bearing in mind that it incorporated Mitzvos that were connected to the land which they would never be able to fulfil. See Oznayim las'Torah.


Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) words "Kulanu Chayim"?


Seforno: "You, who made the covenant with Hashem and who are now entering Eretz Yisrael, organize yourselves in a way that the forthcoming generations, who did not enter into the covenant, will fulfill what you are now undertaking.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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