
Why does it say "Ei Zeh Sefer Kerisus Imechem"?


Sanhedrin 105a: Ten men sat in front of Yechezkel (20:1). He told them to repent. They said, if a master sold his slave, or a husband divorced his wife, he has no more claim on him (or her. Likewise, Hashem has no more claim on us!) Hashem told Yechezkel to tell them this verse. (I did not divorce or sell Yisrael!)


Radak: The mother is Keneses Yisrael, the Klal; the children are the individuals.


Malbim: One expels his wife from his house either because he despises her, or because she rebelled against him. There is a big difference between them. If he despises her, he gives to her a Get and expels her permanently. She does not hope to return to him. If he expels her because she rebelled against him, it is temporary. He does not divorce her; when she fixes her ways, he will return her. Since I did not give a Get, this shows that I did not despise her; the bond between us was not severed.


Here it says that Hashem did not divorce Yisrael. Yirmeyah said "Shelachtiha va'Eten Es Sefer Kerisuseha Eleha" (3:8)!


Radak #1: Yirmeyah discussed the 10 tribes. Hashem gave to them a Sefer Kerisus; they will not have another king, It says about the gathering of exiles "v'Avdi David Nasi b'Socham 1 " (Yechezkel 34:24), "v'Lo Yechatzu Od li'Shtei Mamlachos" (ibid., 37:22). Yehudah did not get a Get. Yehudah is like a wife whose husband sent her out of the house amidst anger, but did not divorce her, for he will return her. So Yehudah, kingship will return to him.


Radak #2: The 10 tribes did not repent when Galus Bavel returned. Also, from when they were exiled, they did not leave their exile. The Galus was very long. It is as if He divorced them. Yehudah returned to their land after 70 years, and stood in their land 420 years. Even though Yehudah was not exiled yet, the Navi discusses the future. He consoles Bnei Galus that they will return, for "you were sold [only] due to your sins"; when you repent, Hashem will return you from exile. You are close to returning to Me, for there is no Get between us. When you return, also the other Shevatim will return, for David will rule over all of Yisrael 2 .


We fixed the text of Radak. Alternatively, it should say "v'Avdi David Melech Aleihem" (Yechezkel 37:24). (PF)


Radak: And so Yechezkel said, "Ani Loke'ach Es Etz Yosef... v'Shivtei Yisrael... Etz Yehudah va'Asisim l'Etz Echad" (37:19). Even though he divorced Efrayim, the divorce and Galus were very long, and He will return them with Yehudah.


What is the significance of "Mi mi'Noshai Asher Macharti Eschem Lo"?


Radak: You do not need money to redeem yourselves. Your sins are the sale money; Teshuvah is the redemption.


Malbim: If one sells his sons, if it is because he despised his wife, and via this despises also his sons; there is no solution for this. Also if he sold them because he needed money to pay his creditors, there is no hope. How will he redeem them? He has no money! Hashem did not send the mother due to repulsion. If so, which creditor did He owe?! (Rather, it was due to their sins.)


Why does it say "Hen ba'Avonoseichem Nimkartem"?


Malbim: Avon is sin due to intellect that entices him to deny Hashem's Mitzvos. Pesha is rebellion against Hashem. It is not based on denial and heresy. The body of an Avon sinner is blemished; his intellect is blunted, He does not distinguish between good and evil. There is no hope for a child who sinned due to rebellion. If he sinned amidst lunacy, his father has mercy on him, and gets a doctor to heal him. You were sold for Avon sin; I will heal your folly.


Why does it say "uv'Fish'achem Shulchah Imechem"?


Malbim: A woman's sin against her husband is opposite [to a son's, regarding a solution - refer to 50:1:4:1]. If it is due to lunacy, this is a blemish without solution. If it is due to rebellion, Teshuvah fixes it. We find Hashem's relation to Yisrael depicted as a father to his son, and as a husband to his wife. He 'fathered' each individual, for the Nefesh is a 'part' of Elokim above. He is like husband to the Klal of Yisrael, for He chose us, and via Kabalas ha'Torah; we accepted His Mitzvos - "v'Erastich Li b'Tzedek uv'Mishpat" (Hoshe'a 2:21). His obligation to clothe and feed Yisrael was uprooted via Pesha'im. As long as we believe in the root of our creed, Teshuvah will fix it, but not if we deny Torah.

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