
Also verse 4 said "Hashem Elokim." Why is this repeated here, and also in verses 7 and 8?


Radak: He discusses Nevu'ah, and Nevu'ah comes to a Navi via angels, who are called Elohim.


Why did he say "Pasach Li Ozen"?


Rashi: He made me hear "Es Mi Eshlach" (6:8). I sent Amos, and they called him Pesilus. I sent Michah... like it says in Pesikta of Nachamu Nachamu.


Malbim: Do not say that even though Hashem gave to me Leshon Limudim, I transgressed my mission and did not call to you. The moment He opened my ears any amount, immediately "Lo Marisi" (I went on His mission).


What is the Chidush "Lo Marisi"?


Rashi: I did not refuse to go on His mission.


What is the meaning of "Achor Lo Nesugosi"?


Rashi: I did not retract, not to go. Rather, I said "Hineni Shelacheni" (6:8).


Malbim: Do not say that even though I went, when I came to the nation, I was afraid to speak in front of them, and I retracted. I did not retract - I did not fear any man.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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