
What is the meaning of "Gevi Nasati l'Makim""?


Rashi: Hashem told me 'Yeshayah, My children are stubborn and toilsome. [I send you] on condition that you will not get angry at them; I accepted.


Radak #1: Even though I will be disgraced due to the mission, I did not refrain due to this. Rather, I went willingly. This is unlike Yirmeyah, who said "v'Amarti Lo Ezkerenu..." (20:9). We do not find verses that say that he let people hit his body, but perhaps it happened.


Radak #2: Even if they would hit me "and pull out my hair", I accepted it willingly, amidst love for Hashem.


Malbim: Even if I knew that they will hit me, I prepared my body for the blows.


Why does it say "ul'Chayai l'Moretim [Panai Lo Histarti]"?


Radak: Refer to 50:6:1:3.


Malbim: I returned my face to them to enable them to pluck the hairs from my jaw (they hit him from the back).


Why does it say "Panai Lo Histarti mi'Kelimos va'Rok"?


Malbim: Also when they spat in my face, I did not hide my face lest the spit reach my face. I stood opposite them in Hashem's word.

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