
Why does it say "His'oreri His'oreri"?


Malbim: You told me "Uri Uri Livshi Oz" (9); I tell you His'oreri - it depends on you!


What is the meaning of "Kuba'as"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: A cup.


Rashi: They are dregs stuck in the bottom of the Kli. Matzisa (you will extract) supports this - "Shemareha Yimtzu" (Tehilim 75:9).


What is "[Kos] ha'Tar'elah"?


Rashi: It is a drink that blunts and weakens a man's strength, as if he is bound, tied and wrapped. This is like "veha'Beroshim Har'alu" (Nachum 2:4). "Veha'Sheros veha'Re'alos" (3:19) is an expression of wrapping. Women of Madai go out Re'ulos (Shabbos 65a), i.e. wrapped in a nice coat. Tar'elah is numbness.


Radak #1: Ha'Re'adah (it makes tremble).


Radak #2: It is lethal poison (RA'al). It suffices for you in Galus. You already drank the cup of poison to the dregs, and sucked until not even a drop remained. I.e. all the evils written came upon you; it suffices for you. Rise from the Galus!


Malbim: Punishment and afflictions that He decreed on them because He was angry. They drank the cup of anger "mi'Yad Hashem" (from Hashem himself), but not totally, for Hashem did not arouse all His anger and totally abandon them; He watched over them from the windows. Kos ha'Tar'elah they drank totally.


Why does it say "Matzis"?


Rashi: You extracted the last drop [and drank it].

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