
What is the meaning of "Ein Menahel Lah [mi'Kol Banim Yaladah]"?


Radak: While she was in Galus, Bnei Golah did not have power for one to lead another and support him from the evil, for all were equal in it.


Malbim: The verse depicted her as one who is drunk from two cups that she drank. Now it gives a metaphor for someone who fell amidst inebriety; normally, his big son holds him, lest he fall, and his small son leads him to his house. In her inebriety, there is no small son to lead her home.


Why does it say "v'Ein Machazik b'Yadah mi'Kol Banim Gidelah"?


Malbim: In her inebriety, there is no big son to hold her, lest she fall (refer to 51:18:1:2).

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