
Why does it say "Habitu El Avraham"?


Radak: Now it explains the parable. Look to [Avraham and Sarah], and go in their ways, and see what I did for them.


Malbim: Just like he was an individual and stood against many who erred, so you will be.


What is the meaning of "Techolelchem"?


Rashi (1-2): She gave birth to you. This is like 1 "Ki Chalah Gam Yaldah" (66:8). Radak - future tense is used in place of past, as if it says Cholelah Eschem.


Malbim: This corresponds to Makeves Bor Nukartem. Sarah should have been sterile based on nature; she bore children 2 against nature. Also you, based on nature, you cannot return the Nochrim to Emunah [in Hashem]; you will do against nature.


Radak: It is like "Chil ka'Yoledah" (Yirmeyah 6:24)


This is like the opinion (Bava Basra 16b) that Avraham had a daughter. Or, "Banim" applies even to one, like "u'Vnei Dan Chushim" (Bereishis 46:23) (PF)


Why does it say "Ki Echad Kerasiv"?


Rashi: He was alone in Eretz Kena'an; I exiled him there from his land and birthplace. Kerasiv - I raised and elevated him. This is like "Keru'ei ha'Edah" (Bamidbar 1:16). Just like he was alone and I raised and elevated him, so I will elevate you, for you are individuals to Me.


Radak: I told him "Lech Lecha me'Artzecha umi'Moladtecha" (Bereishis 12:1). He was one, and afterwards I blessed him and increased him.


Malbim #1: When I called him to publicize Emunah in Me, he was an individual in the world who believed in G-d of the world 1 .


Malbim #2: His nature was to be one and not multiply 2 .


Shem was "Kohen l'Kel Elyon" (Bereishis 14:18)! He and Ever had a Yeshivah in which Yakov learned! Perhaps Malbim means that at the time, Avraham did not know anyone else who believed in Elokei Olam. (PF)


Refer to 1:1:4:1.


Why does it say "va'Avarechehu v'Arbehu"?


Radak: Future tense is used in place of past.


Malbim: I blessed him, that he was able to return many to believe in Kel. I increased him, to beget children.

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