
Here it says that each was five Amos tall. In Melachim II, 25:17) it says that it was three Amos!


Refer to Melachim I, 7:16:4:1-2.


How were the "Sevachah v'Rimonim" on the crown?


Rashi: The crowns were like two bowls. The bottom one faces up (like normal); the top one is inverted and covers it; it is called Sevachah. Pomegranates are inserted in chains. The two ends of the chain are tied together on top of the Sevachah, where it is narrow. [The chain] descends to where the Sevachah sticks [to the bottom bowl], where the crown is widest. The pomegranates cover where the mouths of the bowls are stuck together.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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