
What is the meaning of "Ruchah"?


Rashi: This is like l'Ru'ach. The suffix Hei is like the prefix Lamed. This is why the accent is on the Reish. In all, 96 pomegranates were seen from the different directions.


Radak: It is the side and corner, like "Madad Ru'ach ha'Tzafon" (42:17).


Here it says that there were 96 pomegranates Ruchah, and in all, 100 on the Sevachah. Melachim I, 7:20 implies that there were 200 pomegranates. Verse 42 there says that there were 400. Divrei ha'Yamim II, 3:16 says that there were 100 in the chains!


Rashi: There were 400 in all, 200 on each Sevachah, in two rows; there were 100 in each row. Shlomo erected the pillars in the Ulam, close to the wall of the Heichal. The wall covered four pomegranates in each row.


Refer to Melachim I, 7:20:4:2-3 and the note there.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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