
What is "Shetzef Ketzef"?


Rashi citing Menachem: It is fury. Radak - he explains b'Shetzef like b'Chari.


Rashi citing Dunash, Targum Yonasan: It is a little anger, like "b'Rega Katan Azavtich" (7). Radak - this is like verse 7; The matter is repeated in different words to strengthen it.


Malbim: I hid My face from you for a moment amidst anger and repulsion - this was a little anger compared to the Chesed of pardoning the sin.


What is "Chesed Olam"?


Rashi: It (Malbim - pardon of your sin) will last forever.


Why does this verse mention Chesed and mercy? Verse 7 mentioned only mercy!


Malbim (7): Verse 7 discusses an abandoned wife; mercy suffices for her. For a despised wife, mercy is not enough, for he is angry due to her sin. First the anger must depart via Chesed and pardon of the sin.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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