
What is the meaning of "Al Yomar"?


Radak: He should not think so.


What would be the consequence of saying that Hashem separated converts from His nation?


Rashi: Converts would not be rewarded together with Yisraelim. If so, a Nochri will not want to convert!


Radak citing his father: He has no inheritance in the land; he is separated from it. Therefore, I promise him other good matters.


Radak: Even though I accompanied Hashem and converted, I have no son in Yisrael 1 . I am not considered part of Am Hashem, not in this world and not in the world to come.


Mahari Kara: In the entire Torah, it says "Daber El Bnei Yisrael." Since it was given only to Yisrael, why should I guard it?


Perhaps he means that his son is not Kahal Hashem, and may marry a Mamzeres (Kidushin 75a). (PF)


What would be the consequence of a Seris considering himself like dry wood?


Rashi: He would not be motivated to fix his ways, for there will be no remembrance of him.


Radak citing his father: He has no son to inherit him. Therefore, I promise him other good matters. Radak - we find in Yechezkel that converts will inherit in the land - "uleha'Gerim ha'Garim b'Sochehcem Asher Holidu Vanim b'Sochehcem v'Hayu Lachem k'Ezrach bi'Vnei Yisrael [Itechem Yipelu v'Nachalah]" (47:22).


Radak: Since I will not leave a son like myself, it is as if I did not come to the world, and Hashem does not desire me. I am like dry wood that does not make fruits. Hashem made the world for reproduction - "Peru u'Rvu" (Bereishis 1:22), "Lasheves Yetzarah" (above, 45:18)! Hashem does not desire me, for one who does not leave a son to inherit him, is like one excommunicated to Shamayim 1 . I.e. he looks like he is excommunicated, but he is not, if his deeds are good.


Malbim: There is continuity of the individual, and of the species. The latter depends on a chain of people born before and after. Personal endurance does not need anything; the Nefesh itself endures; it has no father or son. The convert has no lineage before him, and the Seris lacks lineage after him. They should not be concerned for this (like the next verses explain).


Bava Basra 116a: Hashem is angry at one who does not leave a son to inherit him.


Why does the verse specify a Ben Nechar and a Seris?


Radak: A Ben Nechar has no inheritance in the land, and a Seris has no son to inherit him.

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