
What is the meaning of "v'Es Mi Da'agt [va'Tir'i]"?


Rashi: From whom did you fear?


Malbim: He addresses her like a lewd harlot in control. She does not fear her husband at all. Da'agah is worry lest she lose his love. Yir'ah is fear of punishment.


What is the meaning of "Ki Sechazevi"?


Rashi: You ceased My Avodah, v"Chazavt Me. This is betraying, like "Lo Yechazevu Meimav" (58:11), "Kol ha'Adam Kozev" (Tehilim 116:11). Kozev is always betraying one who trusts in him.


Radak: If you want to say that I am false, that you did not do the deeds that I mentioned, from whom did you fear? You did not remember Me when you did those evil deeds. You did not put to your heart - you did not think that I see your deeds. If so, you did not fear Me. Why do you lie? It would be better that you confess on them!


Malbim: You need not worry lest I divorce you due to your adultery - you yourself lie, to say that I am not your husband at all!


Why does it say "Lo Zachart" and "Lo Samt Al Libech"?


Malbim: You did not remember Me - and even when you mentioned with your mouth, you did not put Me to your heart.


Why does it say "ha'Lo Ani Machsheh"?


Rashi: I was quiet.


Rashi: I was silent, and delayed anger, and I did not punish immediately.


Malbim: You do not fear punishment because I am silent me'Olam (I never punished you).


Why does it say "v'Osi Lo Sira'i"?


Rashi: Had you feared Me, you would not have done those evil deeds. If you did not fear Me at the time of deed, you will not fear Me at the time of rebuke. You will lie, and say 'I did not do evil.'


Malbim: You do not have fear of My grandeur, like a woman fears her husband, and you never regret your deeds.

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