
Why does it say "b'Za'akech Yatziluch Kibutzayich"?


Rashi: Let rise groups of your gods, idols and deniers of Torah that you gathered, and save you from your affliction.


Radak: See now if your deeds will help you when you scream from the evil of your enemies. Kibutzayich are the nations that you gathered to help you. You brought a gift to them so they would help you. They will destroy you! Melech Ashur destroyed Eretz Yisrael, and did not save [even] his own camp when he came to Yerushalayim with a great camp.


Malbim: When you scream for your gathering to save you, i.e. those who were Mezaneh with you, you will see that they are folly.


Why are they called "Yisa Ru'ach Yikach Hevel"?


Rashi: They cannot save.


Radak: Just like wind that carries chaff very fast, so they died in a moment. Even though this refers to Chizkiyah, every person is included. Any human gathering will not save him from his affliction, for any human gathering is folly; Yir'as Hashem is the storehouse.


What is the meaning of "veha'Choseh Vi Yinchal Eretz"?


Radak: Chizkiyah and his entourage will inherit the land - unlike Melech Ashur thought to conquer Yerushalayim. The world to come is called Eretz Chayim.


What is "Har Kodshi"?


Radak: It is Yerushalayim.


Radak #2: It is the world to come.


Why does it mention Nachalah and Yerushah?


Malbim: In Nachalah, the original owner retains a connection to what he bequeaths. In Yerushah, it is totally uprooted from him.

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