
What is the question "Al Mi Tis'anagu"?


Rashi: Since you went away from Me, on whom will you rely to delight in good? You did not you merit "v'His'aneg Al Hashem" (Tehilim 37:4)!


Radak: They used to delight with food and drink - "Esayu Ekchah Yayin" (56:12).


Malbim: On whom do you rely to have pleasures - "Ekchah Yayin v'Nisbe'ah Shechar" (56:12)? Do not you rely on Nichush, that you were born in a Mazal for success?!


What is the question "Al Mi Tarchivu Feh"?


Rashi: When you mock and insult His Nevi'im. Radak - they used to mock them, like it says above in Parashas "Hoy Ateres Ge'us 1 ", "Shim'u Devar Hashem Anshei Latzon" (28:1, 14). You should have talked [derisively] about yourselves - you are sinful children, the seed of Sheker!


Malbim: Why do you scoff, and say "Achol v'Shaso Ki Machar Namus" (22:13)? You also lengthen your words and double and repeat them. You should have been ashamed due to the blemish of your birth.


I do not understand how Parashas "Hoy Ateres Ge'us" discusses mocking Nevi'im. It is not the same Parashah as "Shim'u


What is the significance of "Yildei Pesha Zera Sheker"?


Malbim: Yildei Pesha are born to a mother who was Mezanah; Zera Sheker is from the side of the father, who transgressed adultery.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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