
What do we learn from "v'Achar ha'Deles veha'Mezuzah Samt Zichronech"?


Shabbos 116a: Heretics recognize Hashem and deny Him! (They remember Hashem and cast Him aside.)


Rashi: Serving idolatry is depicted as an adulteress, that her partners in adultery look and wait outside the door of her house. When she lies with her husband, her heart and memory are on the door and doorpost, how she will open it and go out to the adulterers.


Radak #1: You put something that pertains to the Avodah [Zarah], so you will always remember the Avodah - the opposite of "u'Chsavtam Al Mezuzos Beisecha uvi'Sh'arecha" (Devarim 11:20). I gave to you the Mitzvos of Mezuzah to constantly remember My Avodah, and you abandoned My Avodah for idolatry, and put for them a reminder in back of the door and doorpost, and abandoned the remembrance that I gave to you to remember me constantly.


Radak #2: Zichronech is like "Zichro k'Yein Levanon" (Hoshe'a 14:8), "Azkarasah la'Shem" (Vayikra 6:8). I.e. you put incense for idolatry in back of the door and doorpost.


Malbim: She is compared to a harlot who leaves her husband's bed at night to the men who are Mezaneh in back of the fence. She left Zichronah, i.e. the frankincense and fragrances on her neck, in back of the door, lest her husband sense [why she left 1 ].


He assumes that had she left to be Mezanah, she would have taken them with her. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Ki me'Iti Gilis va'Ta'ali"?


Rashi: You lied with me and revealed the cover in which we were covered together, and ascended from me [Malbim - to the mountain top, to the men who have Zenus].


Radak: You revealed yourself from Me. I commanded you My Avodah in a covert place - "Mizbe'ach Adamah Ta'aseh Li" (Shemos 20:21), and not a tall stone building. I commanded "v'Lo Sa'aleh v'Ma'alos Al Mizbechi" (ibid., 23), and you did the opposite for other gods, in an open place on the tall mountains.


Why does it say "Hirchavt Mishkavech"?


Rashi: [You widened your bed] to receive many adulterers.


Radak: I said "Pen Ta'aleh Olosecha b'Chol Makom Asher Tir'eh; Ki Im ba'Makom Asher Yovchar Hashem b'Echad Shevatecha" (Devarim 12:13-14). You widened your bed (idolatry) to many places - "Ki Mispar Arecha Hayu Elohecha Yehudah" (Yirmeyah 2:28).


Malbim: You have a wide bed, but you cannot take the Zonim there, for your husband is there - "va'Tichras Lach Mehem" (this cuts you off from the Zonim)! Therefore, they prepared a narrow bed by the fence.


What is the meaning of "va'Tichras Lach Mehem"?


Rashi: You made a Bris with them.


Malbim: Refer to 57:8:3:3.


What is the meaning of "Ahavas Mishkavam Yad Chazis"?


Rashi: When you saw a place to show your love to them. Yad is a convenient place, like "Re'u Chelkas Yo'av El Yadi" (Shmuel II, 14:30).


Radak: Wherever you saw [you offered] - the opposite of "[Pen Ta'aleh Olosecha] b'Chol Makom Asher Tir'eh" (Devarim 12:13). I commanded you not to learn from the Goyim, who offer everywhere. You did opposite to My command in every matter!


Malbim: You preferred the bed of Zonim by the Chazis and fence [to your wide bed with your husband. The Nimshal is, while you served Hashem, you had all good and great influence; you abandoned the source of life, to carve out broken wells.

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