
Why does it say "va'Tashuri la'Melech ba'Shemen"?


Rashi: Initially I raised you, and you saw the king's face with all kinds of delights. Tashuri is an expression of seeing the face, like "Ashurenu v'Lo Karov" (Bamidbar 24:17), "u'Seshurah Ein Lehavi" (Shmuel I, 9:7) - this is a gift upon seeing his face.


Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon: Tashuri is like Teshurah (a gift).


Radak: This is going, like "Tashuri me'Rosh Amanah" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:8) and "Yashor Al Anashim" (Iyov 33:27). Chazal taught 'a Shayara that goes from place to place 1 .' There is a Patach under the prefix Lamed in la'Melech, for it is the known king - Melech Ashur, who ruled over all lands at that time. Not only did you serve other gods - you removed your trust in Me, and trusted in the arm (strength) of people - "Arur ha'Gever Asher Yivtach ba'Adam v'Sam Basar Zero'o u'Min Hashem Yasur Libo" (Yirmeyah 17:5). Had they served idolatry, but they intended for Kel, who is the First cause, and they served the sun and moon for His honor, and served images of them, it would be evil - "Lo Sa'asun Iti Elohei Chesef


Perhaps this was Radak's text in Sanhedrin 10:5. (PF)


What is the meaning of "va'Tarbi Rikuchayich"?


Radak: You used to send to them scented oil. You made much of it to send to Melech Ashur to help you.


Malbim: Refer to 57:9:1:5.


What does "va'Teshalchi Tzirayich" refer to?


Rashi: You send your messengers afar to collect taxes from kings of the nations.


Radak: You sent messengers with a gift to a far place; Ashur is far from Eretz Yisrael.


Malbim: You sent messengers to advocate for you and praise you in Beis Pharaoh [so he will desire you].


What do you lower to the grave?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The strong nations.


Radak: You lowered yourself, and were disgraced via sending to a far land for help. Perhaps Tashpili is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject); the same applies to "Hashpilu Shevu" (Yirmeyah 13:18). You were lowered to the grave due to evil deeds.


Malbim: You lowered yourself, and were Hefker to everyone. Initially you hoped to be Mezanah with great people, but did not succeed. Therefore, you became a harlot for all passersby. The Nimshal is, she was Mezanah with idolatry and made a Bris with the kings of Ashur and Egypt, and afterwards was lowered also in front of minor kings.

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