
Why does it say "Ekra lEi'lokim Elyon"?


Radak: Even though the king chases me, I call to Elokim, who is supreme over everything, and He will save me from him.


Malbim: I call to Elokim because He is Elyon, i.e. the First of all causes.


What do we learn from "la'Kel Gomer Alai"?


Yerushalmi (Kesuvos 1:2): If a girl (born in Adar) was three years and one day, and Beis Din made a leap year (so now it is Adar Rishon, and she is less than three), her Besulim return (grow again). If not, they do not return.


Radak: He completes His Chesed on me. Many times He did Chesed with me; now He will complete the Chesed on me regarding the kingship.


Malbim: He is [the First, and also] the last of all causes.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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