
Why did he say "Rumah Al ha'Shamayim Elokim"?


Rashi (from Shocher Tov 7:7): Remove Your Shechinah from the lower beings. They are not worthy that Your Shechinah be among them!


Radak: This is a metaphor. Raise Yourself to Shamayim to save me (even though obviously, no 'change' is needed to enable Hashem to save; change, time and place do not apply to Him. Levels of 'Shechinah' merely indicate our ability to receive from Him. - PF)


Malbim: Send from Shamayim and save him. These words correspond to "Ekra lEi'lokim Elyon" (verse 3) - He is the First of all causes. The first cause for the salvation should be miraculous, above Shamayim, which pertains to natural conduct and the Ma'arachah.


Why does it say "Al Kol ha'Aretz Kevodecha"?


Radak: Show Your honor, and all will see that salvation is from Hashem, and no one else can save an individual from many who surround him constantly.


Malbim: These words correspond to "la'Kel Gomer Alai" (verse 3) - He is the Last of all causes. Also the last cause for the salvation should be directly from You, without an intermediary, so Your honor will be revealed in the entire land; the final result is on the land.

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