
Why does it say that their feet run to spill innocent blood?


Radak: Even one who is Chayav Misah, a judge should delay and not conclude quickly, They rush to spill innocent blood!


Malbim: They have become so accustomed to this that their feet run by themselves to do evil.


Why does it add "vi'Ymaharu"?


Malbim: Sometimes one runs to do evil, but when he comes to do it, he reconsiders and weighs whether to do or refrain. They do not; they rush to spill innocent blood.


Why does it say "Shod va'Shever mi'Msilosam"?


Malbim: Do not say that their thoughts do not consent to murder. It is as if their thoughts paved a path of plundering and destruction, and their thoughts constantly go on this path.

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