
What is the meaning of "Eicho"?


Rashi: It is 'where'. Radak - the same applies to "Eichah Sir'eh" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:7).


If the Navi knows even what does not pertain to him, all the more so he knows what pertains to him, i.e. that Melech Aram wants to catch him! The king should know that he will be able to evade his messengers!


Malbim: The king did not intend to harm him, rather, to benefit him and give to him a big gift, in order that he will dwell with Aram. He thought that the Navi would want this 1 . He sent many troops to protect him, in case Melech Yisrael would not want him to leave.


Did Na'aman not tell him that the Navi did not want to take money? Perhaps Na'aman did not tell him (and kept the money for himself, and bribed those who went with him not to tell the king). Or, the king heard and believed Gechazi's fib that Elisha retracted and wanted to take. Or, he thought that Elisha refused the first gift, but he would want a far bigger gift. The verses do not mention sending a gift. Perhaps he would not give anything until Elisha actually comes. (Also Balak offered wealth to Bil'am, but did not send to him.) However, why did the troops surround the city? Also, the king had to tell his troops that he only wants to benefit Elisha, and not harm him. Elisha should have known this, and not struck them with blindness! Perhaps he did not strike them to punish them, rather, to make Melech Aram despair of fighting Yisrael. (PF)

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