
Why did he not say Mordechai's name?


Vilna Gaon: He feared lest Haman say to give to him the entire kingdom 1 .


Malbim: He knew that Haman will err to think that the king wants to honor Haman. He wanted that the honor that Haman will request for himself be given to Mordechai, since truly it belongs to Mordechai, and not to Haman.


Surely this is an exaggeration. (Some say that Achashverosh was not even willing to let Mordechai wear his crown temporarily - refer to 6:8:2:1). Rather, he means a colossal matter. (PF)


Before, he said "Yekar u'Gedulah" (3). Why did he say now only "Yekar"?


Vilna Gaon: This was Hashgachah. Had he said also Gedulah, Haman could not have erred to think that the king wants to honor Haman. He already gave to Haman great wealth, and he was second to the king. What more could he give to him?! However, it was possible to give to him Yekar (6:8).


Malbim: (a) He wanted to trick Haman, Had he said also Gedulah, Haman would have realized that the king does not want to honor Haman. Haman was already above all the Sarim. He was second to the king. What more could the king give to him?! Haman could err about honor, that the king wants to honor him. He will ask excessively, and do so to Mordechai. (b) He did not need to asked about grandeur. He already planned to give Haman's grandeur to Mordechai, since primarily it belonged to Mordechai.

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