
Is it not clear that a Chacham is better than a Kesil?


Rav Sadya Gaon: One who works hard - does he know to go to [the way of] life?!


Rashi: Since [also in the future, his Nefesh will not be full (5)], what gain does the Chacham have over the Kesil?


Ibn Ezra: If a Chacham will seek money without limit, his Nefesh will not be satiated, like the Kesil's is not.


Rashbam: They both live in the world like one. Therefore, I said 'all is Hevel.'


Ri Kara: What is the advantage of a Chacham who knows how to earn money, since he does not benefit himself through his toil, over a Kesil who does not know how to earn anything, and therefore he is hungry? The Kesil is hungry due to his folly, and the Chacham, because he does not benefit himself from his toil!


Rid: The Chacham is wise to strive, toil and earn; the Kesil is lazy, and does not toil for himself. Since [also the Chacham's Nefesh will not be full (5)], what gain does the Chacham have over the Kesil?


Seforno: This explains why a commoner, even if he lives long, is not aroused to acquire eternal happiness, for a Chacham has no advantage over a Kesil.


Metzudas David: The advantage of a Chacham is that he puts to his heart to know an Oni's lack, and to sustain him amidst hunger, so also the Oni can go opposite the living, like them. Metzudas Tziyon - Neged is equality and comparison 1 , like "v'Elecha l'Negdecha" (Bereishis 33:12).


I.e. here. Sometimes it is not equality - "Shivisi Hashem l'Negdi Tamid" (Tehilim 16:8)! (PF)


What is the question about an Oni?


Rashi: What does an Oni lack, that an Ashir, who lacks satisfaction, has? Also an Oni knows to go in the land near the living!


Ibn Ezra: An Oni who understands - why should he go in the way of Kesilim, against the living?! Chayim is an adjective, like "Chayim Kulchem ha'Yom" (Devarim 4:4).


Rashbam: How is an Oni worse than a Chacham? He knows to go in the world with the other living, just like a Chacham!


Ri Kara: An Oni who knows to conduct properly with people, who are living, how is he less than this Ashir with much money, and he is not satiated from good?


Rid: Why should an Oni be pained over his poverty, and seek to go opposite (far from) life, i.e. want to die?


Seforno: Even though a Chacham contemplates spiritual beings that live forever, what path does an Onihave to attain that eternity, to have paths among these Omedim (angels - Zecharyah 3:7)? "Neged" is like "va'Ya'al ha'Am ha'Irah Ish Negdo" (Yehoshua 6:20).

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