
What is the significance of "Mi Zos ha'Nishkafah"?


Rashi: She looks over us from a high place to a low place. The Beis ha'Mikdash is higher than all places.


Seforno: It is proper to be astounded, for Daniel and his colleagues, who were in Galus, looked forward to the light of salvation.


Malbim (Melitzah): The bodily powers now sense Nefesh Shlomo's departure from the body. They ask, who is looking from the window, between the holes in the earth and the body. It sticks its head outside the window to separate from the body.


What is the comparison to morning?


Rashi: It illuminates slowly. So Yisrael in Bayis Sheni - initially Zerubavel was the officer of Yehudah, and not a king. They were subservient to Paras and Yavan. Afterwards Beis Chashmonai overpowered them, and became kings.


Malbim (Melitzah): Just like the morning is the boundary between day and night - the end of the night and the beginning of the day. So now it stands on the border between dark temporary life without order, like the night, and eternal life.


What is the comparison to the moon?


Rashi: It receives light from outside itself. So [Daniel] and his colleagues contemplated Yirmeyah's words - "Ani Daniel Binosi ba'Seforim" (Daniel 9:2).


Malbim (Melitzah): As long as the Nefesh is in this world, enclosed in physicality, it is like the moon, which does not have its own light. It only receives from the sun, which shines on it. Light of the Nefesh in this world is not intrinsic to it. It merely receives from the great Sun - Hashem's light. The moon is coarse physicality that blocks the sun's rays, like a mirror that receives [and reflects] light that shines on it. So when the Nefesh is tied to physicality, Hashem's spiritual light does not penetrate into [the body], and the Nefesh receives it.


What is the comparison to the sun?


Rashi: The Nevu'ah of Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi - they themselves prophesized about the Ge'ulah.


Malbim (Melitzah): When the Nefesh leaves the body to return to its source, Elokei ha'Ruchos, it resembles the sun, whose light is intrinsic to it. It returns to be an entity that understands and illuminates with its own spiritual light, for it is Divine. However, at this moment that it separates from the body, it is like morning, when both great luminaries are found. It is still in the body, but it already looks outside the window - outside the body.


What is "Ayumah ka'Nidgalos"?


Refer to 6:4:3:1-3.


Rashi: She is feared due to her Giborimm like army camps of kings.


Seforno: This is like Daryavesh Melech Paras, who said "vEi'laka Di Shakin Shme Tamah Yemagar... v'Im Di Yishlach Yede Lehashnaye Lechabalah Beis Elaka Di vi'Yrushalayim" (Ezra 6:12).


Malbim (Melitzah): Multitudes of stars and great lights accompany it - "Ner Mitzvah v'Sorah Or" (Mishlei 6:23), and artificial lights from the good deeds that it did.


Malbim (Mashal): She is like the multitude of stars that shine at dawn.

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