
What is the sequence between this chapter and the previous one?


Oznayim la'Torah: Now that Hashem corroborated Moshe's decision to teach Yisrael the Mitzvos, the Chukim and the Mishpatim, and having received an assurance from the people that they would obey all his instructions, he immediately proceeds to fulfill his task, beginning with Kabalas Ol Malchus Shamayiim - after two introductory Pesukim of Musar and encouragement.


Why does the Torah place Mitzvos and Chukim together with Mishpatim?


Bava Kama, 87a: To teach us that whoever is not subject to Mishpatim (to be a Dayan) is not subject to Mitzvos and Chukim - thereby exempting a blind man from keeping all the Mitzvos. 1


From the Mitzvos Asei but not from the Mitzvos Lo Sa'aseh. Moreover, even Mitzvos Asei he is CHayav mi'de'Rabbanan. See Torah Temimah, note 1.

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