
What is the meaning of "v'Yesh Hashem Imanu"?


Rashi: If Hashem is with us.


Malbim: Gid'on thought that the evil came upon them because due to Hester Panim - "Ki Ein Elokai b'Kirbi Metza'uni ha'Ra'os ha'Eleh" (Devarim 31:17) (we are left to chance).


Why did he say "v'Aye Chol Nifle'osav Asher Sipru Lanu Avoseinu"?


Rashi (from Yalkut Shimoni 62): It was Pesach. He said, last night father read Hallel for me. He said "when Yisrael left Egypt..." - and now He abandoned us?! If our fathers were Tzadikim, He should do [miracles] for us pin their merit], like He did for them. If they were Resha'im, and He did for free (without merit), He should do so for us! Where are all His wonders?!


Malbim: Where is His Hashgachah to do miracles for us, above nature? We do not see them now. This shows that He abandoned us!


Why did he mention Yetzi'as Egypt?


Refer to 6:13:2:1.


Malbim: We were sunk in Tum'as Egypt, and Hashem took us out, even though we were not yet His nation. Now that He chose us for [His] nation, why did He abandon us? This shows that He removed His Hashgachah from us!

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