
Will you nurse the milk of Goyim?!


Radak: This is a metaphor for consuming the best of their land. Yonasan translated 'you will be satiated with the property of nations.'


Malbim: The abundance of kings will pass to you.


What is "Shod Melachim"?


Rashi: It is an expression of Shadayim. "Tinaki" (you will nurse) affirms this. Radak - there is a Cholem in Shod, like "Chaltzu Shod" (Iyov 4:3). This is a metaphor for [taking] the best [of their property]. Yonasan translated 'you will be pampered with the spoils of kings.' Malbim - the king is depicted as breasts to which the milk of Nochrim gathers; you will nurse it from there. I.e. the Nochri kings will pay taxes to you. Normally, a land that rises is bitter to everyone else. All will delight in you ("Mesos Dor va'Dor" - 15). This is not because they come to you to trade. Rather, they will pay taxes to you!


Why does it say "you will know that I am Hashem who saves you"?


Malbim: The salvation will be via that I am Hashem, who created the entire existence. The salvation will be to fix the entire world.


Why does it say "v'Go'alech Avir Yakov"?


Malbim: Even though the salvation will be to fix the entire world, the Ge'ulah is only for Yisrael.

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