
Why does it say that Hashem loves Mishpat?


Radak: This is why He will give to Yisrael double. This would be injustice, and not Mishpat, for Yisrael are the choice of the nations who cling to Hashem all their days. The Galus and evil were long for them. If they will not have hope, this is injustice. I love that people do Mishpat - all the more so I do Mishpat! Therefore I must pay to Yisrael good, double the Galus and great evil that they suffered for My sake.


Malbim: Perforce, since their Galus lasted a long time, I will make them rejoice with an eternal salvation, "v'Nasati Pe'ulasam be'Emes."


What do we learn from "Sonei Gazel b'Olah"?


Sukah 30a: A parable for this is a king who passed a place where tax is collected. He paid the tax, even though it goes to himself, so others will learn from him. So Hashem detests a stolen Korban - His sons should learn from him to hate Gezel!


Rashi: This is why Hashem does not accept Olos of idolaters 1 , for all are stolen.


Radak: Even for My Avodah, I hate theft - "va'Haveisem Gazul" (Mal'achi 1:13).


Malbim: I hate theft, even for a Korban Olah 2 . Therefore, I must return to them the theft of their land, with Peros and improvements. Therefore, "b'Artzam Mishneh Yirashu" (7).


Yerushalmi (Megilah 1:11), Bereishis Rabah 22:5: "Zos Toras ha'Olah" (Vayikra 6:2) teaches that Bnei Noach may offer Olos! We must say that idolaters are different. (PF)


Why is Olah specified? One might have thought that the thief converted it to the highest Kedushah possible, so we assume that the Nigzal consents. We hold (OC 649:5) that one is pleased that others use his property for Mitzvos, but only when there is no loss to him. (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Nasati Pe'ulasam be'Emes"?


Rashi #1: I commanded that Yisrael's actions be in truth.


Rashi #2: I will pay Yisrael's reward for bearing, truly for the sake of My honor, the reviling of Nochrim.


What is the significance of "Bris Olam"?


Radak: It will be unlike the Bris that I made at Yetzi'as Mitzrayim - that ceased.

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