
Why does it say "Ateres Tif'eres" and "Tznif Meluchah"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words.


Malbim: Any person wears an Ateres 1 for honor. Tznif Meluchah is only for royalty.


Surely, Malbim holds that Ateres need not be a crown; it is an esteemed ornament. (PF)


What is the significance of "b'Yad Hashem" and "b'Chaf Elokayich"?


Radak: He will strengthen them for you, lest they fall. His hand will always be with you to support them, so it will be a crown of glory for Nochrim; they will glorify in it and its kingship.


Malbim: Yad is the entire hand. Kaf is the palm, which one can be Kofef (bend). B'Chaf Elokayich implies that He grasps the matter with special Hashgachah. Hashem refers to general conduct. Elokecha refers to miraculous Hashgachah Pratis. The Navi teaches that both of these conducts will be only for your need and benefit, and according to your deeds. The latter corresponds to Tznif Meluchah (showing His Malchus) - He rules like He desires.

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