
Why is Hashem's Chesed better than life?


Radak #1: You give to them intellect and understanding. This is better than physical life, which all living beings have. Only people have intellect. So my father explained "Chayim va'Chesed Asisa Imadi" (Iyov 10:12) - Chayim is animal life, and Chesed is the supreme Neshamah.


Radak #2: It is as if it says 'Tov Chasdecha mi'Chesed Chayim', just like "Kis'acha Elokim" (45:7) is like Kis'acha Kisei Elokim. "Chayim" is rich people who do Chesed, like "Lahaloch Neged ha'Chayim" (Koheles 6:8). Your Chesed is better than theirs, for Sha'ul gathered me to him, made me a leader and officer, gave to me his daughter and did good to me, and now he pursues me and wants to kill me!


Malbim: Your Chesed of giving life is different than all Chesed that anyone else does. Other Chesed is not intrinsically good; it is good only due to the benefit from it. E.g. if a mortal king did Chesed to one who deserved execution, and he left him alive, the good of the Chesed is the life that he gave to him. Your Chesed is better than life itself, for life itself is not an end; it is only a means for my lips to praise You. Without life, my lips cannot praise You, for the Nefesh itself is only intellect.


Why will his lips praise Hashem?


Radak #1: It is for this Chesed (giving intellect to man).


Radak #2: Only Your Chesed is worthy of praise; refer to 63:4:1:2.


Malbim: This is the purpose of life! Refer to 63:4:1:3.

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