
Why does it say "Yechazku Lamo"?


Radak: The bad that they speak about me to Sha'ul strengthens him with strong claims, and they come to speak to him time after time.


Malbim: They strengthened the evil pit in which David will be caught.


What is the meaning of "Yesapru Litmon Mokeshim"?


Rashi: They speak to the king with guile - hidden matters that even the king does not understand why they do so. They intended to hide for Daniel traps to be caught in them. They told Daryavesh that no one should pray to any god other than you for 30 days.


Malbim: They speak to each other how to hide traps under David's feet, on the path.


Who said "Mi Yir'eh Lamo", and what is the meaning?


Radak: Those who slander me covertly. They think that Hashem does not see them, and they do not fear Him. Even though some spoke openly, e.g. Do'eg and ha'Zifim, there were among them also men who feared to say evil about David openly, for they thought that it will be told to him, and when he will become king he will be able to punish them like their evil.


Malbim: Those who set traps for David. They said, who will see the traps? David will not sense them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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