
Who are "Ozevei Hashem"?


Rashi: They are Resha'im of Yisrael who persisted in idolatry and died in their evil.


Radak: They are people of the generation who served idolatry. They and their Neshamos will perish in their evil. They will not see the good of Yisrael in the world to come. "V'Rabim mi'Yeshenei Afar Yakitzu" (Daniel 12:2) - many will waken, but not all 1 , i.e. only the Tzadikim.


Radak did not prove this from the end of the verse "Elu l'Chayei v'Elu la'Charafos l'Diryon Olam", for it implies that all waken, just some will have permanent disgrace.


What is the significance of "ha'Shechechim Es Har Kodshi"?


Radak: It is To'ar (kind of person) - those who forget the Beis ha'Mikdash, to offer a Korban on it.


Malbim: They deny that the redeemer will come.


What do we learn from "ha'Orchim la'Gad Shulchan"?


Shabbos 67b: Gad is the name of idolatry. Rashi - it is based on the Mazal. The Gemara forbids saying 'Gad Gedi v'Sinuk Lo...' (due to Darchei ha'Emori).


Sanhedrin 92a: Leaving crumbs on the table is like serving idolatry 1 .


Radak: Gad is Mazal. They offer to one of the Mazalos. The Ramach says that it is Jupiter; in Arabic it is called Gad.


Malbim: They gather Gedudim (troops) to eat and drink.


Rashi (92a): This is only if there are crumbs and he brings a full loaf, it looks like it is for idolatry. One must have bread on the table [when saying Birkas ha'Mazon] - if not, he will never see a Siman of Brachah!


What is the meaning of "[veha'Memal'im] la'Meni mi'Mesach"?


Rashi #1: According to the number of priests, they filled bowls of mixed wine. Mi'Mesach is wine mixed properly with water, like "Lachkor mi'Mesach", "Maschah Yeinah" (Mishlei 23:30, 9:2).


Rashi #2: La'Meni is an idolatry that they were Memaneh 1 (appointed) over themselves.


Radak #1: They complete the libation of wine to Mani (the name of a star).


Radak #2: They offer wine to stars that are Memunim (appointed), i.e. the seven Kochevei Leket (the sun, moon and five closest planets).


Malbim: They gather full groups, and number people to mix wine amidst gatherings. They run after pleasures, "v'Es Po'al Hashem Lo Yabitu" (5:12).


Rashi: However, since there is no Dagesh in "u'Manisi Eschem" (12), this shows that it is an expression of Minyan (counting), like my first Perush (refer to 65:11:4:1. When it refers to appointment, there is a Dagesh in the Nun. Presumably, la'Mni is like u'Manisi in the coming verse. - PF)

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