
Why does it say "u'Manisi"?


Radak: The verse uses an expression similar to the previous expression (la'Mani). This is a clear way of speaking, like "Gad Gedud Yegudenu", "Dan Yadin Amo" (Bereishis 49:16, 19), "v'Ekron Te'aker" (Tzefanyah 2:4). You serve a count of stars, and I will count you [to die via] the sword (refer to 65:12:2:1).


Malbim: Just like you count to mix wine, I will count you for the sword (refer to 65:12:2:1).


What is the significance of "v'Chulchem la'Tevach Tichra'u"?


Radak, Malbim: I will count you [to die via the sword], and not one of You will be missing.


Why does it say "Ya'an Karasi... Dibarti"?


Malbim: I called you to come to Me to hear My words, and you did not answer. After, I came to you and spoke My words, and you did not hear. You closed your ears from hearing anything 1 .


Perhaps the text should say 'Devarai' (from hearing My words). (PF)


Why does it say "[va'Ta'asu ha'Ra b'Einai] uva'Asher Lo Chafatzi Bechartem"?


Radak: This was rebellion to anger Me - you chose what I did not want.


Malbim: "Va'Ta'asu ha'Ra b'Einai" is transgressing Lavim. "Uva'Asher Lo Chafatzi Bechartem" - the Mitzvos that you did, you chose to do them. They are not what I desired. You invented them from your hearts!

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