
What is the meaning of "Divrei Avonos Gavru Meni"?


Rashi: We cannot suffice to arrange (confess) all our sins in front of You, for they are many. We pray about one general matter - atone for our Pesha!


Malbim: This is the text of their prayer. Even though we are sinners and unworthy, it is as if the sins overpowered man, and he cannot overpower them. [The sins] themselves advocate that Hashem should pardon them! I.e. man's nature is prone to sin - You know our Yetzer and our evil nature!


Why does it say "Meni" (singular) and Pesha'einu (plural)?


Radak: It discusses Bnei ha'Galus as a Klal, and individually. (They correspond to the singular and plural, respectively - PF.)


Why did he say "Pesha'einu Atah Sechaprem"?


Refer to 65:4:1:1-2.


Radak (3, citing Shocher Tov): Hashem asks, what do you request that I pardon - Shogeg or Mezid? They say, we do not request [about] Shogeg, Mezid or hidden matters of the heart - but sins overpowered. Atone for them!


Radak: You will atone for them, for they lengthened our exile. We supplicate that You atone for them, for no one else can atone - "Ki Imecha ha'Selichah" (130:4).


Sha'arei Teshuvah 4:22: According to His great Chesed, Hashem pardons even those who rebelled against Him, when they repent with all their hearts.

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