What is the meaning of "v'Anochi Ma'aseihem u'Machshevoseihem Ba'ah Lekabetz Es Kol ha'Goyim..."?
Rashi: What should I do? Their deeds and thoughts come to Me, and force Me to gather all the Goyim and make known that their deeds are folly, and their intent to honor Hashem - they will realize that it is Sheker. This gathering is mentioned in Zecharyah (14:2) - "v'Asafti Es Kol ha'Goyim El Yerushalayim."
Radak: I will be with the deeds and thoughts of these nations ha'Miskadeshim, when I will gather all the Goyim in the future. I.e. I will cause (put in their hearts) that all will come with Gog and Magog. "Ba'ah" means that that future time is coming - "Hine Yom Ba la'Shem" (Zecharyah 14:1). We find that Es (time) is omitted sometimes - "Hine Va'ah v'Nihyasah" (Yechezkel 39:8).
Malbim: The deeds of people of this decrepit belief and their thoughts and belief, it comes in order that all the Nochrim and languages will gather.
How will they see His honor?
Rashi: When He will fight them, with the Makah of "Hamek Besaro... v'Einav... u'Leshono" (Zecharyah 14:12).
Radak: "V'Nasata ha'Chayim bi'Lchaayich v'Hotzeisi Osecha", "v'Ha'alisicha... v'Havi'osicha" (Yechezkel 38:4, 39:2). "Ya'alu Devarim Al Levavecha v'Chashavta Machshavah Ra'ah" (ibid., 38:10), like it says here "u'Machshevoseihem".
Malbim: "Ki Nisga Shmo Levado" (Tehilim 48:13) - they will also recognize His unity.