
Why should the nations bless our G-d?


Rashi: It is for His wonders - He kept us alive in Galus, and they cannot destroy us. Radak - Yisrael will tell nations to bless Hashem for this reason.


Pesach Einayim (Pesachim 118b 1 ): They plot many decrees against Yisrael, and often Hashem nullifies them, and Yisrael never find out. Their officers recognize His protection over us more than we do!


Malbim: Not only does He oversee nations in general, rather, even over individuals.


He explained "Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim


Why does it say "v'Hashmi'u Kol Tehilaso"?


Malbim: It depicts the praise as a tangible matter that emits a voice of praises of Hashem. Announce this to the Rabim!

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