
What is "Kin'as Beisecha"?


Rashi: It is the dearness that You conducted with us while Your Bayis existed, therefore they were jealous of me.


Radak: They rule over it, and I am outside.


What is "Cherpas Chorfecha"?


Radak #1: Those who revile me, they revile You, for they say that I have no hope, and I will never leave Galus. You said that You will take me out and redeem me, sooner or later!


Radak #2: They are the Notzrim, who speak wayward (heretical) matters about Divinity.


Malbim: [Because I quarreled with Yisraelim who do not heed Your voice,] those who revile You fell upon me. The Mezid sinners who revile You, they revile me for my Emunah.

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