
Is this the reason for the previous verse?


Rashi: Yes. This nation that You struck (Yisrael), You were slightly angry, and "Radfu" (they helped to do great evil to Yisrael).


Radak: Yes. You did all this evil that they do, for if You wanted, they would not have power to harm me! Rather, what You struck, they pursued.


What is the meaning of "v'El Mach'ov Chalalecha Yesaperu"?


Rashi: They speak their words with counsel - 'we will destroy them while they are pained.'


Radak: This is like v'Al Mach'ov. The same applies to "El he'Harim Lo Achal" (Yechezkel 18:6; it is like Al he'Harim.) They speak to each other to pain Hashem's Chalalim, e.g. "Elokim Azavo Ridfu v'Sifsuhu" (below 71:11). 'These are Hashem's Chalalim - let us strike them!' Here, Chalal does not mean totally dead, for a Mes does not feel pain! Rather, it is close to death, like "Ye'enok Chalal" (Yirmeyah 51:52).


Malbim: They say that they pursue the one whom Hashem struck; Hashem already made him a Chalal before they pained him, and was stricken before they pursued to strike him.

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