
They called to Sho'ar ha'Ir (singular). Why does it say "Lahem" (plural)?


Radak #1: Sho'ar is a Klal (it is singular, and refers to all the guards). This is like "vi'Ylid Beiso Hem Yochlu v'Lachmo" (Vayikra 22:11).


Radak #2: They called to one of the guards. All of them got up, and they told all of them.


Were only one horse and one donkey tied?


Radak: He discusses the Klal (the horses and donkeys), like "va'Yhi Li Shor v'Chamor" (Bereishis 32:6). All of them were tied to their feeding troughs.


What is the meaning of "Ka'asher Hemah"?


Rashi: It is like they were full initially; they did not remove from what is inside.


Hashem brings merit via Tzadikim (Shabbos 32a). Why did this salvation occur through Gechazi and his sons?


Pri Tzadik (R. Tzadok ha'Kohen), Metzora 7): This shows that the root [of Gechazi and his sons] has a Tikun; it is tied to Hashem. This is like those who expounded (Sanhedrin 104b) that all Yisraelim have a share in the world to come, unlike the Mishnah 1 (ibid., 90a).


Perhaps they repented, e.g. after they ceased to hide money in order to inform the city 2 ; now they were Tzadikim. Even so, the Mishnah says that Gechazi has no share in the world to come, just like Menasheh, even though Menasheh repented. (PF)


If so, 'merit comes to via Tzadikim' excludes only evil Nochrim! It says there also 'Chov comes via Chayav', i.e. evil Jews! Must the Mishnah disagree, and say that merit comes also via Resha'im? (PF)


One could have informed the city, and the others would continue to hide! Perhaps they all ceased, to fight their Midah of lust for money! Alternatively, no one would agree to go while the others continue to hide money. (PF)

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